The Philips Epiq 5 is a premium shared service ultrasound machine from Philips. It offers Purewave single crystal probes, a compact and lightweight design and superior ergonomics and workflow. The Epiq 5 replaces the older Philips iU22 without xMatrix. The Epiq 5 has less probe options and features than the more expensive Epiq 7. All the Epiq and Affiniti ultrasound machines look visually very similar and use the same monitor and huge tablet like touchscreen for navigation.
All prices are subject to change and may vary according to but not limited to the version, condition, availability, configuration of the machine. Please call us to confirm specifications 305-447-2526
Refurbished 6 months warranty
General Specifications:
Year Launched: 2013
Monitor (inch): 21.5"LCD
Tilt/Rotate Adjustable Monitor: Yes
Monitor Resolution: 1920*1080
Image Size Resolution: 1024*768
Touch Screen (Inch): 12"
Trackball or Trackpad : Trackball
CP Back-Lighting: Yes(3 steps)
Weight: 230lbs(104.3kg)
Probe Ports: 4
Battery: 45min
Boot-Up Time: 110sec
Sleep Mode (Quick Start): Yes
Maximum Depth of Field: 30cm
Minimum Depth of Field: 2cm
Cart (HCU): No
Independent Steer & Lockable Wheels: Yes
*Please note, due to high demand and customization required call us to confirm options, transducers, software and final pricing.